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Mutual of Enumclaw Insurance

Mutual of Enumclaw Insurance is a prominent regional insurance carrier based out of Enumclaw, Washington. Currently, they work with over 700 independent agency partners to provide personal and commercial insurance throughout seven states in the West. 


As a brand—and as a company—Mutual of Enumclaw can be summed up in a single word: Thoughtful. So states the company ethos: “Thoughtful is how we do things.” To be thoughtful is more than just thinking of others. Thoughtful means doing what’s right, all the time; planning three steps ahead; sweating the details, so others can have peace of mind; and providing rare and valuable service to each individual customer.


Working as part of the in-house creative team has involved continually enforcing, evolving, and expanding Mutual of Enumclaw’s Thoughtful brand. My passion lies in ensuring brand consistency across all channels, both internal and external; however, I’m also not afraid to rework or update existing collateral to modernize or continue pushing the brand forward.

In-house responsibilities include:

  • Brand management – internal and external
  • Art direction
  • Design & Illustration – print, digital, web
  • Writing – content and copy
  • Social media
  • Content Management System (CMS) maintenance
  • Presentation design

